Many people do not know what spiritual direction is.
My own understanding, experience, and training would enlighten it to a traditional form of spiritual companionship or mentorship which helps cultivate one’s experience of the indwelling spirit of God through contemplation and spiritual formation (practices).
Spiritual Direction is journeying with a companion while you are seeking direct connection/relation with the divine for personal guidance, understanding, comfort and transmutation.
It’s not uncommon for spiritual seekers to have periods of time where they feel uncertain about big decisions, grief, or feeling separate from God/ess. Spiritual direction is a process by which we create a space for ourselves to be fully available to receive divine encounters, messages, comfort and understanding.
Spiritual direction provides a safe place to ask and be curious about the divine Mystery. To deepen into your own experience of God or gnosis (inner knowing) and how it weaves into the context of religious or spiritual dogma and doctrine. Today, we are experiencing a lot of deconstruction around our conditioned ideas of who God is or isn’t. We are healing from spiritual and religious communities that have harmed us and our relationship with God. We are discovering the possibilites of restoration of religious language, images, interpretations, roles and expectations.
We all need and deserve to be witnessed, acknowledged and heard.
As a Certified Spiritual Director, I am trained to offer a contemplative approach to spiritual deepening and understanding. Spiritual Guidance in this sense is the art of deep, holy listening. Listening, hearing and witnessing is the core of this practice. I also carry with me 30 years of experience and practices, helping to facilitate transformation in the lives of others. We go directly through the body in what is called, gnosis (inner knowing) to create the energetic shifts for changing our state of being when we desire something different, better.
Spiritual Companions are like mirrors, they listen and reflect as you reveal your own truth.
I see my role as someone that can create a space for sacred pause, which many of us find challenged to do on our own. Life is so busy, right?!
Together we listen, into being, finding the sacred truth that’s already within. It is my role to gently guide you into a deeper connection with divine presence or (God, Source, Higher Self, etc.), to better hear the wisdom (inner voice, spirit, ancestors) that ultimately “directs” your path. This is a great space to discover your spiritual language or reconciliate with religious language which was coopted and often misguided as true divine nature.
The art of speaking something aloud is magical and reveals our authentic selves.
Spiritual seekers may benefit from having companionship while working through life’s ups and downs, seeking answers to life’s most difficult questions and while in discernment over significant life decisions.
Divine Presence is the ultimate deep listener, yet often meets us with deafening silence. Within the silence we may find our shadow. In that shadow self we may also find profound wisdom, insight and truth.
My clients tend to be spiritually fluid on the awakening path an reclaiming the sacred feminine within and reinstating the divine feminine as a missing piece of mainstream spirituality. These spiritual seekers are often open to engaging in various practices that draw from the wisdom of many religious and spiritual traditions. My style of companionship includes soul care, a practice of staying present as we tend to each aspect of our being (mental, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual) , working towards wholeness.
Sometimes we just need a “hand to hold” so we know we’re not on the journey alone.
I love the inner world and hope you’ll explore with me the gifts we receive by drawing inwards and abiding with the infinite wisdom available to us when we brave the inner landscapes.
Spiritual Companionship & Women’s Grief Companionship
“…the grief journey requires contemplation and turning inward. It requires depression, anxiety, loss of control.
It requries going into the wilderness.
Quietness and emptiness invite us to the heart to observe signs of sadness, to regain purpose, to rediscover love, to renew life.”
~ Alan D. Wolfelt